Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Throughout the years basketball uniforms have changed since the beginning of the sport. Instead on wearing what we now call today basketball shorts and sleeveless shirts, they went through different styles, from their shorts to shirts and even to shoes.
 When we think of basketball we think of men and women wearing long shorts and sleeveless shirts with the hottest and newest basketball shoes. But back in 1898 when basketball became professional sport men didn’t wear shorts they wore pants. Their shirts were also short sleeves and their shoes were flat like Converses.
By the 1920’s players traded in their pants for shorts. But not the shorts you think today. The shorts were shorter than they are today, maybe around mid-thigh range. The jerseys changed to sleeveless but the armholes were very tiny. They also wore high socks. The socks were a new trend. We know them as knee socks today. Player’s uniforms also sometimes consisted of knee pads.
In the 1940’s little changes were made to the uniform. The arm sleeve holes became a little bigger and the shorts got belts added to them. As in the 1960’s the uniforms were made to be comfortable for the players. The men wore headbands and the socks got shorter, they shortened to knee socks. The men’s shorts became elastic instead of using belts and the fabric became breathable.
Today the uniforms still changed. The shorts became bigger and baggier the armholes got even bigger and the socks became ankle height. Even the shoes changed. Now it’s all about the designer and mostly the big professionals have their own shoes. Now even the colors and logos are all about the uniforms. Every team has a different logo and different color combinations. I would say that from the beginning of the sport to now that the uniforms of basketball have changed tremendously.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Interview with A.J:)~

Some people have different opinions for Space Coast girls varsity basketball team; like who is the MVP of this year, whos the leader on the team. And how good they are. That is why I ask these questions to hear others input about this team. The person im intervewing is : A.J Krease. He has been to most of the girls basketball games and would know if we improved or not.
1.       Do you think that the Space Coast girls varsity basketball team has improved?
2.       Who do you think is the best player on the team, and why?
3.        What can the team do to get better?
4.       What do you think is going to happen when our two senoirs ( Sharlene and I) leave next year?
5.       Do you think the team will have any chance next year to be in districts?
6.       What teams do you think are a threat to Space Coast and why?
7.       Do you think we will win half our games next year?
8.       In your opion, why do you think Space Coast does not win many games.
9.       Do you think next year any of the two seniors will get a scholarship?
10.     Who do you think is the leader on the team?
11.     What intrests you to come watch Space Coast play?
             1. Yes, I believed they have improved, mainly because of Angie Galinus and her crazy skills.
             2. I think Angie Galinus is the best player on the team because she is an all around player, she can dribble, shoot, and play defense.
             3. I personally feel that the team does everything it can to win but size is a problem when playing bigger girls which is the majority of the time.
             4. I think that the younger girls are really going to have to step up, i know that there are two girls Leandra and Brittany who plays for JV are pretty good and might be able to carry the team.
             5. Yes, i have full confidence in the girls team to make district next year.
             6.I think Palm Bay is a threat to Space Coast because of there point guard, I also hear Merrit Island is p retty good and they play dirty.
              7. I think the girls can win half of there games, it wont be easy but its more than possible.
              8. I think they lack confidence.
              9. If they hav an outstanding year and can just slightly improve there stats then I think they will.
             10. I think Sharlene because she was always your leader and everyone looks up to her.
             11. Angie because she is my bestfriend :).

   Riverside bakseketball highlighs

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Came Together.... :]

                On January 18, 2011 the Space Coast lady Vipers Played the Merritt Island Mustangs. This game was held at Space Coast home court. The game meant a lot to Space Coast, the last time they played Merritt Island it was a disgrace. Nobody “showed up” to play the game, nobody’s heart was in it. This game was the total opposite.
                The game was all about heart and who wanted it more. Both teams you would say were equally balanced. Merritt Island showed up with everything they had but it was Space Coast’s house. The game started out with Merritt Island leading the first half. Space Coast wasn’t far behind though. At the first half the score was 26-29. The second half began and the score was going back and forth. The game was close though out the whole game.
The starters for Space Coast were the ones who scored the most for them. "Derisha Blocker who is the point guard scored 14 points. Sydney Bressner who is a post scored 17 points. Angie Galinus scored 7 and she’s a shooting guard. Sharlene Romanosky scored 6 and she is the other post." (Florida Today, January 19,2011) The other shooting guard was Jessica Lockwood and she scored 6 points as well. Those weren’t the only one that scored but those 5 people scored the most.
For Merritt Island their most valuable player was Sarah Mayer she’s a senior and an amazing 3 point shooter. Our defense personally I thought was better than last time they played Merritt Island. As a player guarding Sarah it was less difficult then the first time. She’s about another good 5 inches on me but her three-pointers are the reason why Merritt Island stayed close.
Now as of offensive it was a hundred times better. In the first game they played a zone called 1-2-1. And we did not know how to play against that so we lost terribly. But at the next practice we learned how to play against that. Obviously we learned pretty fast and weren’t bad at it. The game came down to the last minute where Space Coast’s point guard Derisha Blocker made the winning layup assisted by Angie Galinus. Because of those two girls Space Coast beat Merritt Island. So in my opinion Space Coast learned how to become a team and work together. And by next year they’ll have at least one person leaving with a scholarship.

space coast lady vipers varstiy basketball team 2010-11

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

History Of Basketball



            In 1891 the famous American sport basketball was created. In 1891 James Naismith created this wonderful sport. Dr. Naismith created this sport in Springfield, Massachusetts. Dr. Naismith was faced with a problem to create a new game for the men’s YMCA training school.
            He came up with the sport that we know as basketball today. Back in 1891 it was different. The first game was played with a soccer ball and they used to peach baskets bolted onto the wall for hoops. The rules were also different from today; you played with nine (9) players at a time. Now you use five (5) players to play.  
            Dr. James Naismith created this game so you can play indoors on the winter days, and a game that doesn’t rely on all strength. So most of the rules they had in 1891 are still used today. For example you can not run with the ball, this rule still is used today but a little different. Today you have to dribble the ball and can not pick it up unless you’re passing or shooting. Then you had to throw the ball to a teammate or hit it with out punching it. Another rule that still stands today is you can not hit, push, or make contact with another player or it is a foul.
            The concept of the game is to score more points than the other team. That concept still stands today. The sport is so widely played, over 200 countries play this famous sport that people love. It first started with men but now women play it. There are professional men and women teams now. In 1898 the fist men’s professional team was created. This is now called the NBA the National Basketball Association. Today this sport is loved and played because of James Naismith without him this sport would not be played today.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


One of the most important aspects of the game is free throws. Free throws can make the game or loose the game for you. So you got to make sure you know how to shoot one. The acronym B.E.E.F helps you learn how to shoot.
The B in B.E.E.F stands for balance. The first E stands for eyes. The second E stands for elbow. And the F stands for follow through. First start off by B for balance, you should keep your feet shoulder width apart. Your shooting foot should be a little in front of your other foot. Your shooting foot is your writing hand. As you do make sure you square up to the basket.
Second you follow the two E’s; eyes and elbow. With the first E which is your eyes make sure you look for your target, which is the basket but make sure you don’t look at the ball or your hand as you release. The second E is elbow. Put your elbow at a 90 degrees angle. Then have the ball placed on your finger and finger tips. Have your guiding hand on the opposite side of the ball that you’re not shooting with. For example if you’re right handed. You have your left hand on the left side on the ball. And your right hand is holding the ball.
Lastly F, which is for follow through. As you’re on the line for a free throw straighten your elbow as you release the ball. As you do make sure you flick your wrist. This would give you a back spin on the ball.  After you releases then you are actually “following through.” This is when you reach like for a plate that’s over your head. Do not let your guiding hand go crooked. If it does it will push the ball. During all this bend your knees and don’t jump because it’s a free-throw. All your power should come from your legs.
So remember B.E.E.F; Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow through. This acronym will make you a better player and maybe even make you the player of the game. Good luck :)


http://www.celticsvlakers.com/Images/Laker%20Photos/Kobe_Bryant_Free_Throw.jpg : picture

Monday, February 14, 2011

the off season

The off season, its when you find out who really loves the game. Who is willing to work their asses off , and who just plays when the time comes. The lady vipers hasn’t started their off season training yet. Which as a teammate of that team I think we should. We should at least run together or lift as a team. Because we all know how the other teams are and this is why they win. The vipers loose because we don’t know how to work as a team. Us working out in the preseason will help us hopefully.
As all the other teams end their season they will have a month break and then begin their training right after. You want to know why there so good. Its because they know how to play together and they are in tip-top shape. It helps a lot to know how our body reacts when we lift and run for miles.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Talent Wins Games, But Teamwork & Intelligence Wins Championships

High school basketball doesn’t mean anything if you don’t get better. Last year our team was dead last for our district. This year we were number # 4 for our district. We did get better, and that means a lot. “Talent wins games, but team work and intelligence wins championships.-
Michael Jordan
That’s a quote from Michael Jordan a famous basketball player. That quote means a lot and we should follow it as a model but our team doesn’t work together. Instead of winning games we could have had a chance to at least be in the championship game.  
                The first time you play a team that’s in your district it only counts the first time on your district record. Usually your district record is out of five (5) teams not including the team you play on. Space Coast girl’s record was 2-3. We beat Heritage, and Eau Galie. And we lost to Merritt Island our first time, Titusvill, and Astronaut.
                During the playoffs we played Heritage. We’ve beat them twice in the regular season and once in the preseason. Coach told us if you beat a team twice you usually don’t beat them the third time. Coach was unfortunately right. The girls got to cocky and we lost the game badly. We broke as a team and played like we didn’t even know each other. So the quote by Michael Jordan really lives up to our new team.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You Get What You Earn And You Earn What you Get

                High school basketball, the level before college. Where the sport pays for your education. That’s if you’re good enough. Basketball for varsity higchooler’s means you have love for the game. Certain teams eat, sleep, and breathe basketball. Unfortunality the girls Varsity team for Space Coast doesn’t. Only a couple of the girls want to go play for the next level on our team. I on the other hand am confused. I do want to play in college but at the same time I don’t. My dream was always to play ball in college, but my dream got shut down since I moved here.
 Playing for Space Coast brought my confidence down. When I first started playing for them we were horrible I played varsity since the 9th grade. I didn’t start that year and I barley played. We had 2 different coaches since vie played. And they both left. This makes me feel like we had no help. And that means I had no chance at getting looked at. My second coach is still here, but he’s leaving at the end of the season and our assistant coach is moving up.
Next year’s my senior year, and if we don’t step up our game and play as a team that we had for three years, then we probably will not have scouts looking at us. I’m not used to winning games; we have lost mostly every game that we play. In the past two years we won nine (9) games that is pathetic. The girls on the team don’t really seem to care. They may say that they do but when they go out onto the court and don’t give there all. And when everyone doesn’t give there all, we break apart and look like complete crap.
During my blogging I will tell you about our practices that we’ve had and the games that we had right in our hands. But at the last quarter we lose it. Ill also show you the rankings and the District Games we play on February 2 against Heritage. We’ve beat Heritage twice already let’s see if we can pull together as a team and go father then we did last year. As coach says, “You get what you earn and you earn what you get.”
